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Course 1904—three days—Instructor-led

Building Knowledge Management Solutions with Microsoft Office 2000

Table of Contents

At Course Completion
Microsoft Certified Professional Exams
Course Materials and Software
Course Outline


This course is intended for Advanced Developers and System Architects who need to implement a Knowledge Management System structure by the integration of BackOffice and desktop applications. The course gives participants an excellent grounding in how to build Knowledge Management solutions using Office 2000 and the BackOffice Server family. In particular, the couse covers developing solutions using VBA, VB Scripting, Microsoft Office 2000, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Exchange Server. Specific topics include Digital Dashboard development, workflow, collaborative solutions, and data analysis using OLAP.

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At Course Completion

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
  • Describe the concepts and advantages to a Knowledge Management approach to business problems.
  • Create a solution to a business problem utilizing both BackOffice and desktop technologies.
  • Develop and package solutions for Office 2000 (including COM Addins).
  • Implement solutions using Microsoft Office 2000, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Exchange Server.
  • Be familiar with a number of the key object models used to link Office 2000 and other client side applications to BackOffice applications.

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Microsoft Certified Professional Exams

The MCP exam associated with this course is to be determined at a later date.

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    • The Office 2000 suite of applications
    • Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 or VBA
    • Visual Basic Scripting Edition
    • Object Models, their property, methods and events
    • Database concepts and common OLTP use of SQL Server 7
    • Concepts of Intranets and the Internet including browser operation and server side scripting using Active Server Pages
    • It is recommended, but not essential that you have completed Course 1301, Mastering Microsoft Office 2000 Solution Development, or equivalent knowledge.

    The course materials, lectures, and lab exercises are in English. To benefit fully from the instruction, students need an understanding of the English language and completion of the prerequisites.

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    Course Materials and Software

    The course materials are yours to keep.

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    Course Outline

    Day 1

    Module 1: Introduction to Knowledge Management Solutions


    Knowledge Management and the Knowledge Worker
    Building Knowledge Management Solutions
    Searching for Corporate Knowledge
    Digital Dashboards


    Searching and Delivering Knowledge


    Students will be able to:
    • Describe the main aspects of a KM solution.
    • Understand the scenario on which the labs in this course are based.
    • Be able to use Site Server as a search engine.
    • Understand the concept of a Digital Dashboard.
    • Be able to create a Digital Dashboard.
    • Be able to configure the Outlook® 2000 messaging and collaboration client to display a Digital Dashboard.

    Module 2: Empowering the Knowledge Worker with Microsoft Office 2000


    Microsoft Office 2000
    Creating COM Add-Ins


    Creating COM Add-ins


    Students will be able to:
    • Describe the advantages of Office 2000 as a development platform.
    • Describe how Office 2000 Integrates with Microsoft BackOffice.
    • Create COM Add-Ins for Office applications.

    Day 2

    Module 3: Controlling Workflow


    Introduction to Workflow
    Workflow-Management Requirements
    Issues with Existing Workflow Solutions
    Microsoft® Access Workflow Designer


    The Access Workflow Designer


    Students will be able to:
    • Explain why an application might need to use workflow management.
    • Explain the key features of Access Workflow Designer, and how to integrate it with an existing business application.
    • Build a workflow process using Access Workflow Designer.
    • Be able to create a Data Access Page to examine workflow information.

    Module 4: Developing Collaborative Features


    Collaboration Scenarios and Technologies
    Microsoft® Office Server Extensions
    Outlook® 2000, Exchange Server, and Team Workspaces
    Accessing Exchange Data Programmatically


    Collaborative Features


    Students will be able to:
    • Identify the main collaboration scenarios and the Microsoft® technologies available for collaborative solutions.
    • Describe the main features of collaborative development with Exchange Server and Outlook® 2000.
    • Use the Team Folders Wizard to create a Team Workspace.
    • Access Exchange data using Outlook Objects and CDO.

    Day 3

    Module 5: Integrating with Directory Services


    Understanding Directory Services
    Accessing Directory Data
    ADSI Compared to Outlook® and CDO


    Accessing Directory Data


    Students will be able to:
    • Understand the concept of a directory service.
    • Use ADSI to access directory data.
    • Use the ADSI OLE-DB Provider to access directory data.

    Module 6: Analyzing Data


    Knowledge Through Data Analysis
    OLAP Concepts
    Creating and Maintaining Cubes
    Accessing OLAP Data with PivotTable® Views
    Offline Data Analysis


    OLAP Services


    Students will be able to:
    • Understand the choices available for data analysis.
    • Understand the main concepts and terminology in OLAP solutions.
    • Build an OLAP cube using OLAP Manager.
    • Work with PivotTable® controls and create them programmatically.
    • Add interactive data analysis features to Web pages.
    • Understand the offline solutions available for Data Analysis.

    Module 7: Extending your Knowledge Management Solution with XML


    Introduction to XML
    Reading XML Data


    Using XML


    Students will be able to:
    • Understand the advantages of using XML to communicate data.
    • Use the Document Object Model to retrieve data from an XML document.

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