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                  OSM v3.2

                      Online System Manager

EXCEPTIONAL Productivity Software


Compaq OpenVMS Environments

Since 1986, PARSEC Group has provided excellent technical services for OpenVMS users.  To help our telephone support clients, we created OSM:  PARSEC Group’s powerful and proven tool enabling proactive system management, predictive maintenance, and exception-based, timely responsiveness.  OSM can help you, too!


.... Comprehensive System Monitoring

GUI (Graphical User Interface), and Windows NT/95/98 versions are available

Systems........................ local or remote, stand-alone or clustered, with fail-over features

Scope of Events........... hardware, software, performance, security, and user-defined:

Device Errors

Page/Swap File Utilization

Power Fail Recoveries

Excessive Disk Fragmentation

Free Disk Space

File System Caches

CPU Access Modes

Pool Expansion

Security Alarms

Excessive Disk I/O Rate

Page Faults

PLUS much, much more...


.... Recognizes Exception-Events and Takes Action

OSM keeps a constant watch over your computers.  When something unusual occurs, OSM takes appropriate action.  Those responsible deal only with the exceptions, freeing up valuable time.


.... Variable Levels of Response for Every Event

Non-Critical................ Capture data, relay nightly.

Critical......................... Take action immediately.


.... Multiple Types of Responses for Every Event

Pager............................ notify proper person, with backup paging if first on-call person does not respond.

Email............................. send the captured data and notification via the network.

Modem a stand-alone system can "call home" to relay exception-event details.


.... Integral User-Defined Flexibility

Thresholds.................. Tune each system to conform to your actual operating dynamics.

Event………………..Monitor non-OSM-standard activities via DCL procedure or custom program.

Response...................... Trigger your own DCL command or procedure or batch file for any exception-event.


.... Authorized Compaq Partner

To increase continuity and provide complete solutions, PARSEC Group can also deliver full systems or help you upgrade existing equipment, purchase new software licenses, acquire necessary software services and even hardware maintenance ... nationwide.


        REQUIRES -  Alpha:  OpenVMS 6.1 or higher;  VAX:  OVMS 5.2 or higher;  2,000 blocks disk;  PC: Windows NT 3.51 or higher; Windows 95 or Windows 98;  paging and remote notification features need access to port, modem, and phone line.